Las Lajas

$19.45 | 12 oz. bag

Origin- Costa Rica
Region- Alajuela
Locality- Sabanilla
Producer- Oscar and Francisca Chacón
Farm- Las Lajas
Altitude- 4265 – 4922’
Variety- Caturra and Catuaí
Process- Yellow Honey Process & Patio Sun Dried
Roast- Medium

Super soft, smooth and silky with flavors of milk chocolate, honey, butterscotch, caramel and roasted nut predominating with a distinctly tangy quality that is reminiscent of Cara Cara orange, hibiscus and mango infused with a pinch of pipe tobacco. Makes a great single origin espresso.

The Chacón-Cubillo family has been growing coffee in the Highlands of the Central Valley in Costa Rica since 1936. Their shade grown farm, Las Lajas, is classified as a Beneficio Ecologico and complies with an an extensive set of guidelines for ecological sustainability.

Oscar and Francisca grow and prepare their coffees with a refined approach to agriculture and exemplary cup quality standards. Their use of sugar content analysis as an indicator of ripeness is a critical part of their selection process for their coffee prior to processing. Their coffees have been Cup of Excellence winners in both 2008 and 2009.

This Yellow Honey process micro-lot involves pulping the coffee seeds from the cherry as a semi-washed coffee and then sun drying the coffee on patios prior to hulling. This process accentuates sweetness and, in the case of the Las Lajas, it has also imparted a wonderful citrusy tanginess. We loved their Yellow Honey so much last year, we contracted a year ahead for 1200 pounds of this year’s micro-lot.

We are also offering the Las Lajas in our Costa Rica Sampler and our Costa Rica Tasting Pair.

After repose, this coffee is sealed in Grain-Pro barrier packaging at origin and then sent on its way to our Roastery where we preserve the green coffee under hermetic seal until it is roasted as part of our Barrington Green Seal Program©.