
$17.95 | 12 oz. bag

Origin- Colombia
Region- Risaralda
Locality- Marsella
Producer- Smallholder Producers from Marsella
Altitude- 5085 – 5742’
Variety- Caturra, Castillo, Colombia
Process- Washed and Shade Dried on Raised Beds
Roast- Light

Welcoming aroma of chocolate and perfume with great acidity, formidable body and a broad range of flavors including lemon tart, pomegranate, delicate tropical fruit, herb, nut, spice and cocoa powder. Juicy and quaffable.

The Risaralda hails from deep in the heart of the Andes, due south of Medellin. The smallholder producers responsible this supremely enjoyable coffee are driving a quality driven trend to bring traditional Colombian varieties from Risaralda to the forefront through impeccable picking and processing.

Their focus on picking perfectly mature coffee cherry, floating cherry to sort out low density seeds, rapid pulping, thorough fermentation and careful washing all preclude careful shade drying on raised beds. Each individual producers’ commitment to these protocol brings exceptional quality and uniformity to the final cup.

Wake up to it hot brewed, sip it iced in the afternoon all summer long.

We are also offering the Risaralda as part of our our Three Region Sampler.

After repose, this coffee is sealed in Grain-Pro barrier packaging at origin and then sent on its way to our Roastery where we preserve the green coffee under hermetic seal until it is roasted as part of our Barrington Green Seal Program© .