Sorting ripe cherry from the 2008 harvest in Beloya Village, Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia. Photo by Joseph Brodsky, Ninety Plus Coffee.

Ethiopia 2008

In 2008 we began our partnership with Ninety Plus Coffee in Ethiopia. Here are a few photographs from the cooperative washing and processing station in Beloya. These coffees processed at Beloya were among the very first coffees in what has become an extraordinary lineage of Ninety Plus offerings.

Coffee beans being sorted at the Socinaf Mill in Ruiru. Photo courtesy of Gordon Clark 2009.

Kenya Visit 2009

Our friend Gordon Clark spent several weeks in 2009 performing relief work in the Kenyan countryside. While there, we connected him with the highly respected coffee trader Mohsin Panju. Mohsin very kindly gave Gordon an inside view of coffee growing, processing, and trading in Kenya. Gordon took these pictures to share with us.

Coffee in parchment being raked and dried in the sun on the patio at Doka. Photo by Barth Anderson.

Doka Estate Visit

Here are some images from Barth’s visit to The Doka Estate in the Central Valley of Costa Rica. [/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]


STORAGE Coffee’s worst enemies are air, moisture and light. Store your BCRC coffee beans in our specially designed foil bag with a one-way valve seal that keeps air out. Roll the open end down and secure the wire ties. An opaque, airtight container also works well. GRIND Use the appropriate grind for your brewing method. […]

Our History

Gregg Charbonneau and Barth Anderson founded Barrington Coffee Roasting Company in 1993. Having met in college, they quickly discovered their common love of everything coffee. Barth, an environmental scientist by education, was drawn to coffee at the age of 14 and he clearly hasn’t shaken it since. Gregg started roasting coffee during his college years […]

Our Mission

Our passion is to discover the finest and most exciting coffees from around the world each season, roast them to perfection and deliver them fresh to our customers. We believe a truly great coffee should be roasted to highlight its inherent quality without imparting overwhelming roast. This is why you will notice such a difference […]

Latte Art

Take a look at some “in progress” latte art pours.